Harvesting the Fruits

Every month we share updates about the BOL children. We focus a lot on their needs and how we constantly find ways to help them. It is a blessing for us to see the impact our ministry has. Today, I want to introduce our Youth Transition Program team to you. This team helped make a difference for our 30 teens during our most challenging school year. As you see photos with happy faces and the harvest of diligent efforts made throughout the school year, we remember you and our team that took the calling seriously.  

Elena :  

I can’t quite explain what working with Bread of Life means to me. I grew up in an orphanage, but I did not fully understand how much the staff did for me until now. I now have more knowledge and respect for their hard work.  

Working with the YTP program, I have learned and continue to learn so much from all the girls. They are all different, and they teach me new things daily. I learned how to be thankful for new opportunities, how to be happy at the moment, and what it means to work at a job you love. I am so blessed to work with them and, hopefully, be a help for them too. I am amazed to see all the beautiful things God does at Bread of Life and all the smiles and happiness. My prayer is to take all the lessons I can from this.  

Doinita :  

For me working with Bread of Life came both as a blessing and as a challenge. I was myself part of the BOL Home and the Youth Transition Program. Working now with the smaller group of girls from the YTP blesses me greatly. I am blessed to be able to give back. It was an arduous school year, with mostly online classes.  

My primary responsibilities include; helping the girls adjust to life in a large city and adapting to the learning methods of high school, and helping them find joy in learning, and introducing them to the local Church. We consider all of these important, but especially their spiritual development. In addition to the church activities, we have a special prayer and Bible reading time with all the girls in our apartment.  

Being a pandemic year with a lot of time indoors, we took the opportunity to read and invest our time in mentorship discussions. For me, being part of this program means I use my God-given abilities to help these precious girls. Though it was a demanding year for all of us, we overcame the obstacles, and through God’s blessing, we all progressed. I believe life is about seeking a way to serve others, and I am glad I found mine.  

Luminita :

This past year I learned that people deserve to be known. I was unfamiliar with the 12th graders and was unsure about working with them. But getting to know each one has revealed the beautiful people and souls behind their faces. Each student is unique, and I wish you also could have the opportunity to meet them and get to know them.

George :

2020 was a challenging year, from a spiritual perspective, and regarding the activities of our YTP Bucharest.

Everything we were accustomed to changed when the Pandemic hit Romania for our protection and the protection of those around us. And it wasn’t easy. We had to rethink many of the activities within the 7 apartments for our 30 teens, including scheduling and organizing the Highschool and College online classes and taking part in Church-related activities. But in the middle of all those changes, we saw that God never changes.

Forced to spend more time together, our teens forged stronger relationships. I saw them interacting together, trying different cooking recipes from the internet, or just chatting with each other while gathered in a room. Going to Church for Sunday service or taking part in other church activities was limited. And we noticed that once we were allowed to meet again, they were happier to be part of the weekly youth group and other activities.

Their online classes helped us be more involved in their school life and helped us grow closer. Before, it was hard to know what kind of homework they might have or what they needed to study, but we could keep track of everything with the online classes and all the other apps.

Despite unknown fears ahead of us, I choose to see the good things that have happened so far. I look to the future with confidence. With God beside us, I know the YTP ministry will flourish. Our teens will grow beautifully spiritually and professionally and create strong bonds with each other

Alin :

Every time I look at the effort that our extended team, both here in Romania and ministry friends all around the world, put into raising these poor children into Christ’s image I remember the Bible verses in John 13:34,35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another . By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. This is why we all partner under Bread of Life Ministries, because we love God and love His people.

YTP Team

Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.

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